Sunday, 23 January 2011

Playing the angles

After I selected what I thought to be the best of the designs I had done, I began to work on them further. Designing what I thought they would look like from other angles and trying to get a feel of how they would work as devices in my game...

I liked the look of the design above as it didn't resemble any kind of pre-existing pod and it was original and at the same time delivering it's practical needs as a device to administer nano-bots to the human body (I could see in the design that they would be injected in the spine and intravenously).

The second design (above) I liked because although it did look like a pod, I liked the style of the off-shoots as they resembled ovaries, giving the design an organic yet high-tech feel. When creating sci-fi environments, Hanson (2004) states "It is important to pull back from fictional excesses - or the more outlandish probabilities - to make the story and it's environment more plausible" (2004:91) This was important advice to consider as even though my narrative and hence my environments did have a sci-fi under-pinning, it was still set in the present.

Both designs needed a lot more refining and I still had to see if they would work in an environment.

I began to think that I didn't want to choose between them and perhaps I could utilise them both in different parts of the environment I had in mind.

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