Monday, 17 January 2011

Let there be Light

This week we looked into the effects of the different types of light on our work and how it can completely alter the look and style of an image. This was something I wanted to use in my concept images and see which type of light would work with my environments.

Below is an example of diffused reflected light in a painting by Ivan Aivazovsky called "A Moonlit View of the Bosphorus". The reflected light gives the tonal variations of color on the water's surface as well as the vague reflections on the water's surface...

The next painting "Tunnel of Wealth" by Patrik Hjelm shows a lot of bounced light in the walls of the tunnel, seeming to come from the point in the distance. It also shows some dynamic occlusion on the rocks on the walls of the tunnel.

These lighting studies and techniques led me me want to use much more lighting effects in my own studio work, especially in my finished environment pieces.

Brinkman (2008) states "Any time you add a new element to scene, you should think about how the lights in the scene would effect this new element". This was how I wanted to show the scene and make the environment look more like an actual physical environment rather than a flat image. Brinkman continues to explain that different lighting can completely change the mood and feel of a scene.

This image by James Clyne, concept art for 'Transformers' uses light well as the light is reflecting of the smoke in the building, again there is quite a lot of ambient occlusion here but also great use of shadow to create shapes...

I used what I had learned about lighting to change things in my own scenes, I was very pleased with the changes that occured in the image once I had added lighting and shadow and paid more attention to those details...

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